Digital Data and Artificial Intelligence

Data Privacy

In a digital world where, goods and services are offered to customers based all around the world, companies may need to be on top of all the related personal data protection and data governance requirements in their customer’s jurisdictions. 

Should companies consider these various privacy laws as just another pointless rule with minimal risk exposure and take the minimum compliance steps or should adequate attention be given to ensure there is no serious litigation exposure, heavy penalties and reputational harm? 

These are all important questions a business will have to find answers for. Our knowledge of the law coupled with the technology and industry expertise of our team of external consultants comprising of data scientists, make us the right partner to help you find the answer that suits your business.

Data Governance & AI 

Modern data systems with or without AI components are using large amounts of data to fuel their process. Businesses will use private, public online, or public scraped data as fuel for analytics, data pipelines, or now AI systems. Policy makers have noticed these trends in data and so have created laws and regulations which will ultimately disrupt the field of data. Ensuring your data systems and even AI systems are following these laws and regulations will come at a cost. The fines are not nominal in some cases and the disruption to your business maybe incalculable. It is now more important than ever to put in place and maintain compliant data system. 

With AI and Data systems having lived in a sand box, the regulations and laws being put in place are causing the box to quickly turn into concrete. Keeping your business from getting stuck is where a technical consultant can help. Not requiring a permanent employee and the speed of a consultant will mean you are back to regular business in no time.

Our firm’s size, mode and culture enable us to connect and collaborate with the best people around the world to provide you the best of service in this space. Reach out to us to talk to a consultant.